Ashley Judd Slams Media For Body Shaming Women

Actress Ashley Judd has managed a rare and important feat. She turned cruel and inaccurate criticism about her appearance into a teachable moment, calling out both men and women for participating in a system of patriarchy that objectifies women, hyper-sexualizes girls and degrades women’s sexuality as they age.

Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd

“If this conversation about me is going to be had, I will do my part to insist that it is a feminist one, because it has been misogynistic from the start,” Judd wrote in a column on The Daily Beast, which was published yesterday afternoon.

Judd, 43, who has been acting in movies and on TV since the early ‘90s and now stars in new ABC series Missing, became the subject of tabloid speculation in March after she appeared on a Canadian talk show with a “puffier-than-normal face.” Several media outlets suggested she’d had plastic surgery that made her look worse and unnatural, despite that her rep Cara Tripicchio called the rumors “unequivocally not true.” Tripicchio explained that Judd had been battling a sinus infection and flu and was on a heavy dose of medication that likely caused facial swelling.